Notes on Nostalgic Gaming
Recently, my partner played through some games that were formative for me as a gamer. She grew up without access or permission to play many video games, and it’s been a delight for me to provide those experiences for her in a passionate and loving environment. I bring access to new consoles, and an abundance of games to add to our household shared Steam library. All gamers have their “I wish I could experience this game for the first time again” titles, and the next best thing is witnessing a loved one experience it for the first time. Even better, when they enjoy themselves along the way.
We started with Okami, a game that holds a special place in my heart. It had been a while since I replayed myself, so I was delighted for the chance to revisit a familiar story and world. My partner would ask me questions about what to do next, and I would remember the story, but sometimes forget the order of operations. “Oh wait, you have to do this first actually…” And even though time and distance had blurred my memory of the details, there was a quiet comfort in knowing what came next. “Ah this part is coming up… She’ll meet this character… This music is beautiful… She’ll unlock this power next…”
Experiencing the game as an adult comes with its own satisfaction. Puzzles that seemed hard when I was younger are now clear. Characters and enemies that terrified me as a child (I’m looking at you Spider Queen) are now familiar faces that bring comfort. My partner saying “thanks I hate it” and me laughing knowingly. Frustrations that I once had my partner now gets to muscle through, with me cheering them on. Though, despite her annoyance with the camera angles and unique “voice acting”, she consistently asked me if she could play. The ultimate gamer affirmation, someone enjoying a game you recommended to them enough to play on their own time, without you present. She’s allowed to explore and grind on her own time, but I’ve asked that she avoid doing plot unless I’m there. I want to savor that experience together.
Getting immersed in familiar sights and sounds transported me back to the hours spent playing the game cozied up in the basement of my childhood home. The energetic and emotional melodies of the flutes resonate clearly in my mind, truly living rent free in my brain. When the Game Awards Orchestra began their medley during the December 2024 broadcast to announce Okami 2 I was stunned into silence. The familiar music made new. “Could it be, my goddess returns?” Even typing this now I get chills. My partner had been playing for a few weeks when the announcement dropped, so when I woke her to tell her the news the next morning, she knew the significance it held for me and smiled sweetly. Having her feel how important the game is to who I am as a person, and getting to experience the joy of a new chapter together is a feeling beyond words.
And then I introduced her to the Bayonetta series, which is an experience that truly deserves its own entry. In the meantime, I’m looking forward to accompanying my partner on the rest of her journey through the whimsical world of Nippon in preparation for the upcoming Okami Sequel.
Skittzi is a variety streamer, cosplayer, and video game enthusiast. She loves indie games, RPGs, and many things in between. You can catch her live streaming more games like these on Twitch at